Warren 4th Grade families, please mark your calendars now for May 16th. Please see the flyer for details!
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #163. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Make your plans now! The WC Girls Soccer Youth Camp for grades K - 8 will be held on June 17 - June 20 from 6:00 - 7:00 PM at 937 S. German Church Road. This camp is FREE!!! If you have any questions, please contact: cburchet@warren.k12.in.us
Register now! The Early Childhood Center will a family literacy workshops: Thurs., May 9; 6:00-7:15 p.m.- Focus on Kindergarten & 1st Grade. For more information or to register contact 317-869-4750. The focus on May 23rd will be on 2nd Grade & 3rd Grade.
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #162. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #161. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #160. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
The end of the school year is always an exciting time with celebrations, recognitions, performances & preparations for the upcoming 19-20 school year. Stay informed of these events & other important information on our Warren app & Warren website. Have a great rest of the year!
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #159. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #158. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #159. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #158. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #157. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #156. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #155. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #154. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Pleasant Run supports Red for Ed! Public education makes the difference!#makethemSHINE #WEaretheKey
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #153. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #152. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily
Student Learning @PleasantRunElem Day #151. #WEaretheKEY #WeAreFamily